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Coronavirus Statement

We are all facing challenges due to the restrictions put in place to prevent the spread of Coronavirus. We are limited to only 'essential' activities where you meet with other people.
My business will be responding to Coronavirus in several ways:

Hygeine and Clean Hands

I will be making sure that I wash my hands before touching any client's computers or equipment. If I'm getting a lot of computers and devices in, I will also be using gloves and disinfectant when handling devices.

Social Distancing

I will be trying to keep my distance from others as much as possible. Particularly when on-site at a client or customers premises.

Additional Support - Discounts

If your business is affected by Coronavirus, and you need support in moving services online, I can help you out at a lower than usual rate!
For example, if you need a website, I can get one set up quickly and cheaply. I can provide a shopping cart for you to sell products online. My web development service section lists a 'Wesbite with Shopping Cart' for $800. I'd be willing to provide this for $500 or less, depending on features needed.


All of my planned workshops will be postponed until restrictions have been relaxed, and we can gather in groups again. There is also the option to run a workshop online, via video call. Doing this will be up to the consensus of the registered participants.

Client Communications

I will prefer to be meeting and communicating with clients and customers regarding potential work by phone, video call, or email.

Overall, I'm still in-business and will be happy to help as always. I think that I can still do most of my work, except for workshops.

Stay safe, don't forget to check up on each other, and let's hope this all blows over sooner rather than later!


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